Foods to help you achieve a healthy teeth

healthy teeth

During the festive season, everyone’s excited to indulge in delicious foods.

Along with regular brushing and flossing (and dental checkups), making smart food choices this holiday season is key to protecting your pearly whites. Here are some food items to add to your holiday shopping list.

Cheese and milk  

Any food that is high in calcium and phosphate can neutralise acid in your mouth and help preserve your tooth enamel. These foods might also help in killing the bacteria to prevent cavity buildup and the risk of having gum disease.  

Carrots and celery  

Although you might know that vegetables filled with nutrients for the body, they can also supply vitamins for your mouth. By chewing crunchy veggies, you produce saliva that naturally cleanses teeth and gums, avoiding the bacteria that causes plaque.  

Apples and strawberries  

While apples won’t literally keep the doctors away, they can help you achieve healthy teeth.  

Eating natural fruits that are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants can fight acid-producing bacteria, promoting a healthier mouth. However, you should not confuse fresh apples with sugary apple juice, which could lead to tooth decay.  

Broccoli and eggs  

The foods that are high in protein are good building blocks for your teeth and help in steady growth for kids. Additionally, protein is essential to build and repair body tissues. It also helps to balance out the PH levels in the mouth and stops bacteria before they begin to grow.  


After eating, it is a rule of thumb to rinse your mouth to remove any small particles that may be stuck to your teeth. Although mouthwash can do the thing, some people have super sensitive gums, which makes water the better and healthier option.  

These power foods, along with consistent oral hygiene such as brushing, flossing, and regular dental checkups, can help strengthen your smile.

Regular dental checkups for healthy teeth  

At Tindale Dental in Penrith we suggest regular 6-month dental checkups to maintain your smile. Dental checkups can help ensure your teeth are clean and your smile is healthy. Contact our friendly dentists on (02) 4726 5400 to book your appointment and then get out in Penrith and enjoy everything our city has to offer this holiday season! 
