Cosmetic Dentistry: What is it and how does it work?

Cosmetic Dentistry

Broken, chipped, or uneven smiles may ruin your confidence, but with cosmetic dentistry, these problems can no longer put you down. If you are struggling with these problems, now is the perfect time to explore the beauty of cosmetic dental treatments. 

What is cosmetic dentistry? 

Cosmetic dental treatments are some ways to improve the appearance of your teeth by providing different dental procedures, such as: 

Teeth Whitening  

Teeth whitening brings back the brightness of your teeth by removing stains and solving tooth discolouration issues.  

Our clinic offers two different options for professional tooth whitening, chair-side and take-home whitening which can make your teeth appear brighter. 

Dental Veneers 

Dental veneers replicate the surface of your teeth using a thin porcelain sheet, resulting in a more natural-looking smile. 

The whole process of getting veneers depends on your circumstances. Get a consult with one of our Penrith dentists to determine if dental veneers are right for you.   


Dental crowns are a type of cosmetic dentistry that can also restore the appearance of healthy teeth. Unlike veneers, dental crowns cover the tooth entirely rather than the surface. 

Dental Implants 

Dental injuries or accidents may cause you to lose your tooth, but dental implants can solve this issue by replacing them. Additionally, these custom-made implants are durable and can act just like your natural teeth. 

Deciding on right dental treatment

With the latest technology and modern dental practice, it is now easier for you to achieve better looking teeth. There are many options available for you whether you want to brighten, straighten or simply fix your tooth. 

If you can’t decide which treatment you should go for, it is better to seek professional advice from your trusted dentist to determine which cosmetic dentistry treatment is right for your circumstances. 

Cosmetic dentists in Penrith  

Our experienced team of cosmetic dentists at Tindale can help you transform your teeth and give you a better smile. Our latest dental materials and techniques are used to provide our patients with high-quality results. 

Ready to transform your smile? Schedule your appointment online or call our friendly team at (02) 4726 5400. 


