Meet our dentists
Our team of dentists consists of dental professionals with Australian university qualifications. They work in conjunction with each other, unified by a strong belief that how we provide dental care for you today makes all the difference in what your oral health will be twenty years from now. We have gone to great lengths to create an environment where we establish strong relationships between you and our team.
Dr. Emma BondFounding Principal
BDS (Hons) SydUni
Grad Dip Dental Sleep Medicine UWA
Dr Bond is one of the founding principles of Tindale Dental Centre. She has practised in Penrith since 1995.
Dr Bond is highly qualified holding …
- An Honours degree in Dental Surgery from Sydney University
- A Graduate Diploma in Dental Sleep Medicine from University of Western Australia
She is a Fellow of the …
- Royal Australian College of Dental Surgeons (F.R.A.C.D.S)
- Dental Sleep Medicine (F.D.S.M)
She is a member of the Australian Dental Association.
Dr Bond has a keen interest in cosmetics and restorative dentistry from ceramic restorations to multiple crowns and veneers. She believes that every patient has the right to attractive and functioning teeth.
Dr Bond, as a mother of three girls, passionately believes that children should have the right start to their dental journey. She believes it is a privilege to be entrusted with the dental care of kids.
As shown by her Graduate Diploma in Dental Sleep Medicine, Dr Bond is well qualified to understand and treat the dental component of Sleep Apnoea and other sleep disorders. She believes that effective sleep apnoea treatment is a great tool to help mange the effects of the disorder.
Emma values the long term relationships she has built with her patients during her time at the practice.
You can find out more about Emma Bond, Sleep Apnoea, and Somnomed here.
Dr. Justin CurrieFounding Principal
B.D.S. (USyd)
Grad. Dip. Clin. Dent. (USyd)
Dr Currie is one of the founding principles of Tindale Dental Centre. He has practised in Penrith since 1994.
Dr Currie is highly qualified holding …
- A Bachelor of Dental Surgery from Sydney University
- A Graduate Diploma of Clinical Dentistry from Sydney University
Dr Currie is a member of the Australian Dental Association.
Dr Currie places a great emphasis on ensuring a stress free experience, even for nervous patients. To facilitate this Dr Currie provides comprehensive care for anxious patients employing multiple technique including intravenous sedation, as done with the assistance of Prof John Vassiliadis.
Dr Currie is passionate about using the latest techniques in restorative dentistry. Driving this is his goal for his patients to have aesthetic and functioning teeth over their entire life journey.
Justin particularly enjoys the long term professional relationships he has developed over his years in Penrith. He feels truly privileged to treat multiple generations of the same family.
Dr. Nick TeoDentist
B.D.S (UAdel)
Dr Teo is highly qualified as shown by his Bachelor degree of Dental Surgery from Adelaide University. He is committed to ongoing training and education having completed an Orthodontic long course at the University of Sydney and frequently attending seminars to further his clinical skills and knowledge.
Dr Teo is a member of the Australian Dental Association.
Dr Teo has a particular interest in treating patients with dental anxiety. He works closely with Prof John Vassiliadis to provide intravenous sedation to create a more comfortable experience even for the most anxious patients.
Dr Chris ContrerasDentist
B.Oral H (USyd)
B.Dent Sci (CSU)
Dr Contreras is high qualified having a …
- Bachelor of Dental Science from Charles Sturt University
- Bachelor of Oral Heath from the University of Sydney
Dr Contreras is a member of the Australian Dental Association.
Dr Contreras has a keen interest in cosmetic and restorative treatment. Being a father of two small boys himself, Dr Contreras is passionate about the importance of children beginning their dental journey right. This has motivated his interest in treatment for children.
Dr Contreras also previously practiced as an Oral Health Therapist where he gained experience in treating gum disease and children’s dentistry.
*Dr Contreras is available on Wednesday and Friday.
Dr Nashwan IstephanDentist
Dr Istephan is highly qualified shown by his Bachelor of Dental Science from Charles Sturt University.
Dr Istephan is a member of the Australian Dental Association.
Dr Istephan grew up in Greater Western Sydney. He studied and worked in regional NSW for the past 6 years. After working in the public system, he has earned valuable skills in accommodating for nervous patients and managing challenging oral surgery cases.
Nash values understanding patients along with their dental concerns to provide a perfectly tailored treatment.
*Dr Istephan is available on Monday and Friday.
Prof. John VassiliadisEmergency Physician
Clinical Professor John Vassiliadis and Dr Rachel Vassiliadis provide all the administration of sedation at Tindale Dental. He is a Senior Emergency Medicine Specialist at Royal North Shore Hospital. He has had training in sedation, anaesthesia, trauma management, trauma ultrasound and toxicology. John is also a Captain in the Royal Australian Navy and holds the position of Director of health training. He was part of Australia’s medical relief force that was sent to Indonesia after the Boxing Day tsunami. He has a keen interest in medical education and is involved in training doctors at all levels and is a Clinical Professor at the Sydney Medical School, University of Sydney.
Dr Rachel VassiliadisSpecialist Anaesthetist
Dr Rachel Vassiliadis MBBS BSc(Med) FANZCA, is a specialist anaesthetist with 18 years experience in sedation and general anaesthesia. Her experience and skill in performing dental sedation means that even the most anxious patients can have dental procedures performed in a relaxed, safe and professional manner. Her areas of specialty include head and neck, dental surgery, orthopaedics, paediatrics and obstetrics. Rachel is a keen educator and clinical researcher in the fields of multidisciplinary team training, airway management patient safety. She currently works as an anesthetist at Gosford Public and Sydney Adventist Hospitals.
Caring, Friendly Professional Team
At Tindale Dental Centre we are proud of the team of dental assistants and support staff we have assembled.
Our team, led by Sharon and Erin, are highly competent and passionate about not only the possibilities of modern dentistry but also the local Penrith community.
Our dental assistants mostly hold Certificate iii and iv T.A.F.E. qualifications.