It’s essential to upkeep good dental health, and as we’ve all come to know, essentially this begins early on with creating good habits and patterns. So in today’s Penrith dental blog, we will be covering creating and facilitating good oral care habits for your children. When we’re introducing such practices and habits to our children,…
Why is flossing so important?
Here at Tindale Dental Centre, located in Penrith, we value preventive measures and the upkeep of looking after your oral health.
How to maintain healthy teeth
To maintain good oral health it’s important to keep in mind that your diet and the foods that you consume impact your gums, teeth and mouth. Here at Tindale Dental Centre in Penrith, we’ve created a simple guide on what to look out for in terms of looking after your oral health in relation to…
Nutrition and its impact on your oral health
You’ve heard it many times and are well aware that your diet affects your oral health. But is this just the impact of sugars and calcium?
What to expect with fillings
If you’re lucky enough to have had the need for a filling yet, you may have wondered what happens with this type of treatment.
Understanding gum disease
You know the term, but what actually is gum disease and how can you prevent this from occurring? Below we will discuss upkeeping proper oral health, breaking down what is gum disease, prevention and treatment.
Introducing your child to the dentist.
At Tindale Dental Centre, we truly believe in healthy smiles…happy kids!
Taking care of oral health when you’re sick
When you’re not feeling the best, the last thing you want to deal with is keeping up your oral health, but it is still important, and in some cases, more care may be required.
Experiencing tooth sensitivity?
Are you finding that your teeth hurt when you consume certain foods or drinks, such as those that are hot or cold, sweet or sour?
Are sports drinks giving your teeth a sporting chance?
Sports drinks are designed to replenish the fluids, sugar and electrolytes that may have been lost during strenuous physical exercise. Unfortunately, to achieve this replenishment, these drinks tend to be highly acidic and sugary – and due to their appealing flavourings, they are consumed much more frequently than required, and often not in association with…
Common preventable contributors to bad breath (halitosis)
Are you struggling with bad breath despite brushing your teeth twice each day? How about flossing? Many of us tend to believe that all we need to do in order to have a fresh breath is to simply brush our teeth, have a mint or chew some minty gum. While these might help in the…
Ageing and dental health
Have you noticed an increase in dental health problems as you have grown older? Despite common belief – losing your teeth as you get older is not inevitable. Provided that you take proper care of your oral health and have regular dental check-ups, you can continue to enjoy smiling, talking and eating comfortably with your…
Pregnancy and dental health
Did you know the hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy can have an impact on your teeth, gums and mouth? This can be directly, such as changes in how your body responds to plaque, or indirectly – due to reflux and vomiting. The following issues are not definitive, some women are more prone than others,…
So, you’ve decided to pierce your tongue?
It might seem like a harmless enough choice to make however, it can have some serious dental consequences. Possibly resulting in more pain than the initial piercing itself.
Anaemia and your mouth
Anaemia is the result of a deficiency in the number or quality of red blood cells, which play the important role of transporting oxygen throughout the body.
What’s in a tooth?
Last month we talked about the 4 different types of teeth, this month we’ll look at what makes up a tooth. Firstly, what are the parts of a tooth? There are two basic parts that make up a tooth: the crown, this is the first part of the tooth to develop and appear. Ideally, it…
Why it’s crucial to take care of baby teeth
Yes, it’s true, they are the primary teeth and they are designed to be lost during childhood, however, there are still important reasons to be taking care of those baby (milk) teeth. In fact, it can be just as important as taking care of your adult (permanent) teeth.
The 4 unique types of teeth
The 4 unique types of teeth Have you ever had a really good look at all of the teeth in your mouth? Perhaps you have noticed that there are a few different shapes, but did you know that there are actually four different types of teeth? Each one performing a different job, not only in…
Don’t ig-gnaw your gnawing habit
Don’t ig-gnaw your gnawing habit Do you regularly chew and gnaw on hard objects such as pens, pencils or ice cubes? This is a habit that you mustn’t ignore! You could be causing more damage than you realise. Constantly biting and grinding your teeth on hard objects can chip, wear-down, damage and erode the protective…
Do you clean your tongue?
Do you clean your tongue? Brushed teeth. Tick. Flossed. Tick. Rinsed with mouthwash. Tick. Cleaned tongue…? It might seem a strange concept, but your tongue does harbour bacteria, just like the other areas of your mouth, and these bacteria can play a part in causing bad breath. In fact, the majority of the bacteria in…