
Why it’s crucial to take care of baby teeth

Yes, it’s true, they are the primary teeth and they are designed to be lost during childhood, however, there are still important reasons to be taking care of those baby (milk) teeth. In fact, it can be just as important as taking care of your adult (permanent) teeth. 

The 4 unique types of teeth

The 4 unique types of teeth Have you ever had a really good look at all of the teeth in your mouth? Perhaps you have noticed that there are a few different shapes, but did you know that there are actually four different types of teeth? Each one performing a different job, not only in…

Don’t ig-gnaw your gnawing habit

Don’t ig-gnaw your gnawing habit Do you regularly chew and gnaw on hard objects such as pens, pencils or ice cubes? This is a habit that you mustn’t ignore! You could be causing more damage than you realise. Constantly biting and grinding your teeth on hard objects can chip, wear-down, damage and erode the protective…

Do you clean your tongue?

Do you clean your tongue? Brushed teeth. Tick. Flossed. Tick. Rinsed with mouthwash. Tick. Cleaned tongue…? It might seem a strange concept, but your tongue does harbour bacteria, just like the other areas of your mouth, and these bacteria can play a part in causing bad breath. In fact, the majority of the bacteria in…

Tiring of Sleep Apnoea 

Tiring of Sleep Apnoea  Sleep apnoea is a common condition that involves disturbed sleep as a result of disruptions to breathing. Apnoea meaning the absence of breath. It is not simply a case of snoring or a restless night sleep, and can have serious health consequences if left undiagnosed and untreated. There are three types…

Is your acidic diet eating away your tooth enamel?

Is your acidic diet eating away your tooth enamel? Do you regularly consume acidic foods and drinks such as fruit (particularly citrus), pickles, tomato products, tea, coffee, fruit juices, soft drink and alcohol (e.g. wine and pre-mixed drinks)? Then your diet could be eroding your tooth enamel – which may lead to yellowing, pain and…

Xerosto-what? – Dry Mouth

Xerostomia (zeer-oh-stoh-mee-ah) is the medical term for the chronic condition of dry mouth. Everyone experiences a dry mouth from time-to-time, but when it becomes a continuous experience it may be time to make an appointment with one of our highly experienced Dentists at Tindale Dental Centre, as you could have a problem with producing saliva….

Do You Really Need to Floss?

Have you ever asked your dentist this question? If you have you will know the answer is a definite “yes”! And how often? You should be flossing at least once daily. Brushing your teeth is great for cleaning the visible surfaces, but not so much the surfaces between the teeth. This makes up nearly half…

Kids and Cavities

Kids and Cavities Did you know that in a recent nationwide study by Adelaide University where 24,000 kids were randomly chosen for a dental examination across many different communities, as many as half of all six-year olds examined showed signs of dental disease! The researchers were quick to point out that the reasons behind such…

Bad Breath (Halitosis)

Halitosis, or bad breath, is an embarrassing problem that nearly everyone knows, yet few want to talk about. Our experienced dentists at Tindale Dental centre can help you get to the bottom of this problem and give you simple solutions to prevent bad breath. Bad breath has many causes, such as: Odor-causing foods Tooth decay…

Do you wake up with dull headaches or stiff, sore jaw muscles?

Do you wake up with dull headaches or stiff, sore jaw muscles? If so, you may have a habit of grinding or clenching the teeth called bruxism. Many people are unaware they even do this because it often happens while they are sleeping. However, dental professionals can usually detect signs of wear on your teeth….

Thumb sucking

Thumb sucking Thumb sucking is a common habit in children from infancy to age four. Children suck their thumbs due to boredom, hunger, fatigue, stress, for comfort or as a sleep aid/association. However, this seemingly harmless habit can start affecting their dental health at five to six years of age. At this point, ending the…

Sensitive Teeth

Is eating ice cream or sipping a cup of hot coffee painful for you? The answer is a resounding “yes” for people who suffer from sensitive teeth. Many adults experience hypersensitivity when they eat, drink or touch their teeth. Fortunately, dentistry can offer simple and effective treatments for this uncomfortable condition. Possible causes of tooth…

Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD)

Have you ever felt painful clicking or popping in your jaw when you talk or chew?   Many people suffer from a jaw, muscle and joint disorder known as temporomandibular disorder (TMD) and may not even know it. While it is not always possible to pinpoint the exact cause of TMD, in many cases it…

The truth about Sleep Apnoea   

Dentists can treat sleep apnoea that is not severe. In fact, studies have shown that oral dental appliances are effective, safe and simple treatment options for suffers from mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnoea. Our Penrith dentists here at Tindale Dental Centre have expertise and training in dental sleep solutions. We can provide the advice,…

Easter & Your teeth

By sticking to a strict dental routine, minimising overall consumption of chocolate and following the tips below, you and your family can minimise tooth decay and maintain great oral health this Easter. Avoid continuous consumptions Aim to enjoy your Easter sweets at mealtimes, rather than between meals. Chewing on food continuously means that your saliva…

Have you heard of Bruxism?

Do you wake up with dull headaches or stiff, sore jaw muscles? If so, you may have a habit of grinding or clenching the teeth called bruxism. Many people are unaware they even do this because it often happens while they are sleeping. However, dental professionals can usually detect signs of wear on your teeth….

The Importance of Mouthguards

A mouthguard can reduce the risk of dental injuries. Sport, leisure and recreation activities are the most common causes of dental injuries. Dental injuries can be painful, disfiguring and expensive to treat. It isn’t possible to wear a mouthguard at all times to avoid dental injury but you can help protect your mouth or your…

Did you know a healthy smile can mean a healthier body?

Many of us will have made New Year’s resolutions to perhaps exercise more frequently and to eat more healthily, but did you know having good dental health can help? In fact your mouth is a ‘window’ to the rest of your body, and if you neglect it you are more at risk of developing general…

Should You Brush Your Teeth Before Or After Breakfast?

Much like the debate of folding versus scrunching or showering in the morning versus at night, whether you should brush your teeth before or after brekkie is a topic of much contention. On one hand, if you brush before breakfast you’re getting rid of those awful bacteria responsible for having bad breath. On the other…