At Tindale Dental Centre we believe all dentistry should be aesthetic. We work with you to achieve the smile you always wanted.
Our team of cosmetic dentists can offer possible treatment solutions such as Teeth Whitening, Veneers, Crown, and Bridge.
Now with the newest dental materials and techniques, you will be pleased to know that substantial improvements can be made to all types of smiles. Sometimes even the smallest alteration can have the biggest result.
There is tooth whitening, for example. Imagine your delight when you look in the mirror and see a fresh, bright smile looking back at you, it’s an amazing confidence boost and a simple procedure one of our cosmetic dentists can perform.
And then there are also porcelain veneers, they can restore your smile and give you a rejuvenated, long-lasting look.
Veneers are thin pieces of porcelain bonded to the front of your teeth. For teeth that are severely discoloured, chipped, or misshapen, they create a durable and pleasing smile. Veneers are difficult to stain, making them popular for people seeking a better smile.
Our Cosmetic Dentists at Tindale Dental Centre are happy to discuss your suitability and the potential benefits of porcelain veneers for you.
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A little bit more….
Often to achieve a great cosmetic result requires a greater prosthodontic solution (Crown, Bridge)