How EMS Biofilm Therapy is transforming oral hygiene for sensitive teeth

Since childhood, we’ve been taught to brush our teeth twice a day, but this simple task can be difficult for those with sensitive teeth. EMS Biofilm Therapy is a revolutionary dental tool that helps maintain good oral hygiene while addressing the challenges of sensitivity.  Unlike traditional methods, EMS therapy uses a gentle stream of air,…

Dental health benefits

Why you should use your dental health fund before the year ends?

While people are getting busy during the holidays, using their dental health fund can sometimes be overlooked. But what could be the issue when you don’t take advantage of this entitlement? Simply, you will lose the chance to enjoy its benefits.  Benefits of dental funds  Saves you money – Depending on your insurance policy, dental…

How to Choose the Right Toothpaste for Your Oral Health

Brushing your teeth with the right kind of toothpaste can level up your oral care routine and give you a healthier smile. If you are considering upgrading your choice, here’s what you need to know.  First, how often should you brush?   To effectively remove excess food and plaque buildup, make sure to brush your teeth…

5 Signs That You Might Have Sleep Apnoea

Do you find yourself extra sleepy throughout the day? Perhaps a family member told you about snoring last night. Although you might assume that this is normal or simply because you are tired, it can be something else. People with sleep apnoea are often disrupted by sudden awakening at night, and sometimes, this happens without…

What Adults Should Know about their Oral Health

As the years add up, prioritising your oral health becomes even more crucial. Neglecting oral hygiene can lead to dental issues that may impact your overall well-being. Let’s shed light on some factors to be mindful of. Tooth Sensitivity Your tooth enamel weakens as you get older, making it more uncomfortable to chew on foods…

What must be on your New Year’s resolution for a healthy smile?

Celebrating the new year is also the perfect time to write down your resolution to improve yourself and create a healthy smile and happy life. If you are wondering what must be added to your list, we suggest including these tips that will surely benefit your oral health.   Revamp your oral habits Start the…

Three important stages to protect your child’s oral health

Starting your child’s oral health journey is important for maintaining and safeguarding their overall health foundation at a young age.  Investing in their lifelong smiles not only helps them practice healthy dental habits, but it also makes them emotionally ready for future dental treatments.  While it is ideal to have their dental visit as early…

Looking after your teeth during pregnancy

During pregnancy, hormones can wreak havoc on your body. Not to mention, pregnancy hormones dramatically affect your gums and teeth. For some women, pregnancy can lead to dental problems. Read on to learn how to take care of your teeth during your pregnancy.  Taking care of your teeth during pregnancy  Looking after your teeth and…

Flossing: do I have to?

Are you flossing regularly? It is probably a question you often hear at the dentist.  We ask because we care! We don’t want to shame you; rather, we ask because we want you to achieve the best smile possible.  Why can’t I just brush my teeth? Brushing your teeth even twice a day isn’t enough…

yellow teeth

Yellow teeth? Here’s why!

You brush and floss every day, yet your teeth look yellow. If you find yourself staring in the mirror wondering why your teeth are faded and yellow, read on. Check your diet Food and drinks can be the most significant cause of yellow teeth. Often drinking red wine, coffee, tea, and carbonated beverages regularly can…


Sustain your sparkling smile over the party season

The summer holiday/ wedding season is upon us! Unfortunately, all the extra food and drinks will probably affect your waistline, but they can also affect your smile.  Here are some tips from our dentists in Penrith to maintain your sparkling smile throughout the party season. Keep brushing and flossing It may sound like simple advice,…


Sleep issues keeping you up? Here’s how we can help.

Trouble sleeping at night? Do you wake up tired? You could have an underlying sleep issue!     Sleep issues Insomnia, snoring, bruxism (tooth grinding), and sleep apnoea are often considered the most common sleep issues. Luckily, if you have trouble sleeping, snoring, or grinding your teeth, your dentist may be able to help (or refer…

What happens at a dental check-up?

Often we have new patients call and ask what happens when they book a dental check-up appointment with us.    A regular dental check-up appointment usually consists of two parts:  1/ Examination of your mouth and teeth by one of our qualified Dentists 2/ Cleaning of your teeth by the Dentist   Dental appointment process…

Do not delay seeking treatment for emergency dental issues

When you experience tooth pain or suffer a dental injury it is essential that you seek emergency dental treatment as soon as possible. But how do you know what is considered a dental emergency? Read on to find out.    Dental emergencies in Penrith If you are experiencing the following issues, you have a dental…

tooth grinding

Why tooth grinding sucks more than going to the gym at 6 am

You might be a tooth grinder or jaw clencher and not even know it! Many people aren’t even aware they are grinding their teeth until a partner mentions it or they experience repetitive symptoms and accompanying pain that they can’t explain.   Teeth grinding occurs day and night Most people are unaware they grind or…

brushing your teeth

Surprising reasons to brush your teeth twice a day

Dentists in Penrith will tell you to brush your teeth twice a day. However, do you know why brushing twice a day is good for you?   Whiter teeth When you eat and drink, colours or pigments from the food and liquid absorb into your teeth. However, brushing twice a day helps remove the discolouring….

wisdom teeth removal recovery

Wisdom teeth – it’s time to go!

At Tindale Dental Centre in Penrith, we regularly treat dental patients experiencing toothache and other issues associated with the arrival of wisdom teeth. What are wisdom teeth? Wisdom teeth are the teeth at the very back of your mouth (otherwise known as “third molars”). These teeth are usually the last teeth to come through the…

cleaning your tongue

Why does my tongue feel funny?

Does your tongue feel sore? Do you ever feel like your tongue is burning, tingly or prickly? Does the tip of your tongue look red, or do you have little bumps that seem bigger than your usual taste buds? Does your tongue look white and patchy? There are a number of different things that could…