It is not surprising that when people hear about root canal treatment, the first thing to register is pain. This common misconception about this procedure has been haunting many patients and causing dental anxiety.
But what exactly happens if you decide to have this treatment? Here’s what you need to know.
What is a root canal?
A root canal is a dental procedure that targets removing the pulp infection within the centre of your tooth. This is an alternative practice to stop the infection from causing further damage or the need for a tooth extraction.
When do you need to get a root canal?
Your tooth is not just a structure of bone—the innermost layer called pulp has nerves that play an important role in providing nutrients and feeling the hot or cold sensation. When the pulp inside the tooth has been damaged or infected, you may need to have a root canal treatment.
If left untreated, the damaged pulp can cause serious dental health problems and require further and more expensive treatment later.
Is a root canal treatment painful?
The simplest answer is no. The truth is, the pain comes from the untreated cavity and infection inside your tooth. A root canal procedure is done to relieve this pain and completely remove the bacteria causing it.
Root canal treatment outlined
During the treatment, your dentist will first remove the damaged pulp to prevent the bacteria from spreading. Then, they will clean and disinfect, followed by filling and sealing the tooth.
Most root canal treatments can be completed in a single visit, but it will always depend on your case. That’s why it is better to have your initial checkup so your dentist can explain the whole process and timeline.
Are there alternatives to having a root canal?
Another option is to have your tooth extracted, which may leave a gap between your teeth and require you to have a restorative dental treatment. While there are many options, you can always ask your dentist which one is best for you.
Root Canal Treatment in Penrith
Having a root canal may sound intimidating, but it can save you from losing a tooth. Our dentists at Tindal Dental are experienced in root canal treatments, so you can be confident about the whole process.
We are here to help and answer all your questions. Just give us a call on (02) 4726 5400 or online to set up an appointment.