Why you should use your dental health fund before the year ends?

Dental health benefits

While people are getting busy during the holidays, using their dental health fund can sometimes be overlooked. But what could be the issue when you don’t take advantage of this entitlement? Simply, you will lose the chance to enjoy its benefits. 

Benefits of dental funds 

  • Saves you moneyDepending on your insurance policy, dental funds can cover the expense of your treatment. In addition, having regular dental checkups can help you detect possible issues and treat them immediately.
  • Transform your teethHaving a beautiful smile can give you confidence throughout the year. At Tindale, we provide a wide range of cosmetic dentistry including crowns, bridges and implants to enhance the look of your teeth.
  • Strengthen oral discipline – Maximise your dental fund benefits to enjoy a healthy smile that lasts a lifetime. 

Keep in mind that unused dental health fund benefits typically do not roll over to the next year, so, make time to plan your dental visit as early as possible.  

Review your dental health fund 

Most health funds allow extra claims only for a 12-month duration, usually from January until the last day of December. If you want to ask about your rebates and where you can use them, you may call your private health insurance provider.  

At Tindale Dental, we welcome you to experience a refreshing smile using your dental health fund. 


Schedule your dental appointment at Tindale Dental  

Our experienced Penrith dentists have the expertise to transform your teeth and make them ready not just for holidays. With HiCaps® instant rebates on the spot, you can use your dental insurance to achieve a healthy and pain-free smile.  

Give your teeth a better look before the new year starts, call our friendly team today at (02) 4722 6115 to book an appointment. 
